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Writer's pictureDR ZARYAB


Updated: Sep 23

9 Important Tips for Insomnia

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Struggling with insomnia? Improving your sleep hygiene can make a huge difference. Here are nine essential tips to help you get better sleep:

1. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

Set a regular sleep and wake-up time, even on weekends. A consistent routine helps regulate your body clock, making it easier to fall asleep at the same time each night for example if u sleep at 11 pm and wake at 7 am maintain that same timmings even on holidays,vacations and weekends

2. Listen to Your Body

Go to bed only when you feel tired and sleepy. Ignoring your body's natural signals can lead to restless nights. But don’t force yourself to bed if you’re not sleepy, as this can reinforce bad sleep habits.

3. Create a Restful Environment

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleep. Keep the room cool (17-19°C is ideal), quiet, and dark. Comfortable pillows and mattresses can also make a huge difference.

Optimize your sleep with Nature's Bounty Stress Support Melatonin by Sleep3, 10mg, Tri-Layered Tablets, 56 Count. Melatonin helps support better sleep quality in a natural, non-habit-forming way.

4. Avoid Stimulants and Alcohol

Nicotine and caffeine are stimulants that can keep you awake. Try to avoid these substances, at least 6 hours before sleeping. Although alcohol might make you drowsy, it can disrupt your sleep cycle and leave you feeling unrefreshed.

5. Limit Sleep Aids

Using sleeping pills should be a last resort and only under medical supervision. Over-reliance on sleep medications such as benzodiazepines can lead to addiction,dependance,tolerance,rebound insomnia and daytime drowsiness.

6. Relax Before Bed

Develop a pre-sleep routine to calm your mind. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, visualization, or progressive muscle relaxation. Avoid mentally stimulating activities close to bedtime stop using screens at least 2 hours before sleep or at least use blue light filter on your screens at night

You can also try incorporating a natural sleep aid like Magnesium Complex Supplement Capsules 500mg, which supports relaxation, leg cramps, and better sleep.

7. Get Morning Sunshine

Exposure to natural light in the morning helps regulate your body clock and improve your sleep-wake cycle. Aim for at least 30 minutes of morning sunlight each day.

8. Manage Worry

Worrying in bed is a common trigger for insomnia. Set aside time earlier in the day to write down or think through your concerns. That way, bedtime can be reserved for rest.

9. Incorporate Physical Activity

Exercise daily, at least 20 to 30 minutes even it can be walking preferably in the morning or early evening. Physical activity promotes better sleep, but avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime as they can be too stimulating.

Try Hyleys Caffeine-Free Herbal Tea - Mint, Rosemary, Valerian Root, Lavender for a calming, sleep-enhancing tea before bed.

10. Magnesium supplements

scientific research has shown that magnesium supplements can be of immense help in those with sleep problems and offer a natural sleep support

11= Herbal tea

According to multiple researches herbal teas containing natural substances such as chamomile and valerian root have significant effects on those with insomnia. Following supplement is of great help to alot of people

12= Professional help

By consistently following these sleep hygiene tips, many of you can greatly improve your chances of overcoming insomnia. But still for some people sleep problems will persist despite making these changes, consider seeking help from a doctor, sleep specialist, or online resources like sleep therapy apps. Professional help, such as cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I), can provide long-term solutions to chronic sleep issues.

For persistent insomnia, professional help like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) can be effective.
Access therapy from the comfort of your home with, which offers guided CBT-I programs.

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